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If you die on Shirk you will not be Forgiven
Can we ask for forgiveness or pray for Jannah for parents or people who die on shirk Assim al hakeem
Would Allah forgive shirk - Mufti Menk
'All from my Ummah will be forgiven except those who boast about sins' Does Allah not forgive shirk
Does Allah forgive Shirk if we repent? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
If I sin knowingly will my repentance not be accepted based upon Quran 4:17 ? #assim assim al hakeem
If a Muslim commits Shirk and does Tawbah, will he be forgiven?
Allah Will Not forgive You If You Do Shirk┇Save Yourself ┇ Mufti Ismail Menk @ brotherofislam
"Will Allah Forgive Me?" (The Guilty Mindset) - Nouman Ali Khan
Does Allah forgive Shirk or must we say the Shahada? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Will Allah forgive me if I committed shirk - mufti menk